Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So you think you can win in an awkward game against me?

Doubt it.

I was awoken by a loud knock on the door in my really grungy red plaid pajama pants and XXL size BYU freshman mentoring shirt by a guy friend who thought he left his keys at our apartment the night before....only 30 seconds later to go to the mirror and find that surprisingly my hair looked great, but I had 3 volcanic zits show up over night and my eye makeup that I had forgotten to wash off the night before was pretty Corpse Bride-esque.

Then I had to walk all over south Provo to get to work in my sexy no-slip shoes and t-shirt that was embarrassingly flour stained....

Then at work I had one of the girls come up to me and say, "hey you're my RS President, right?" and I had no idea who she was! I need to study my ward directory hardcore these next few weeks....

Then like every other guest that came in, I said "thank you" when it was appropriate to say "you're welcome" and vice versa....

Then I realized I've developed a half crush on this person, and with my extraordinary talent of being clumsy and tongue tied at the most inappropriate occasions...that encounter just had awkward written all over it.

Then I raced to my RS meeting after being held up on campus too late, stumbling in 10 minutes after the meeting started and to my horror being the only person not in Sunday dress. Guess I missed that memo....

Then some friends came over and broke a cardinal rule in telling me that my roots were growing out and that I needed to re-dye my hair, which I had already been planning on doing! Really?! You're not supposed to comment on a woman's weight, age, or hair (unless it's complimentary, of course.)

I'm just going to go curl up in a little ball of awkwardness at the foot of my bed for the next nine years now.  See ya flipside.

Here are some other awkward things for you to look at, while we're on the subject.  It makes me feel better about myself...

-all from google images.

All my love, B.


The Millers said...

I hate days like this. Ice cream always does the trick for me though :)

Chantel said...

HAHA! I could completely throw some chips in for an awkward battle. I think it gives you spunkiness though :) Even though when they all stack up like that it isn't as fun. When I was in college, my roommates and I had an "Awkward contest," and for every every awkward moment we created, we got a point. It was really fun, and we would laugh about all these moments. Love the awkward photo of the girl with crazy eyes! HA!

Maybe see you tonight! :)

Birdie said...

Are you going to the blogger meetup at Spark? I wish I could make it, but I'll be at work :/ Everyone who goes should swing by the Awful Waffle around the corner to visit me!